Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Handling Unit

Transaction : HUMO

Fm to create HU: BAPI_HU_CREATE

Function Module to print the spool request in a printer

If you have the spool request number and if you want to send the spool request number to the printer and print it.Call the Function Module 'RSPO_OUTPUT_SPOOL_REQUEST', pass the paremeters like no of copies, spool number, device name etc...  to print the spool request to a printer.


To access the value of the components in Purchase Order in Routines (923)

The requirment is to access the components of the Purchase order in the routein.

PO-->Item Level-->Del schedule Line -->Object List, will take you here.

 We need to access these componet values in a routine 923 (From VOFM).

(SAPLM61Q)MDPMX   --- actual table has the values , but for some reason durin the output routein it is not accessible.

This program and the table had the all the componets of the Purchase order.